In it's first full month of operation the LSL MEGA Email Security System identified and blocked 3143 IP's for malicious attacks against LSL servers and users. The system identified, and inspected 10,906 unique server IP's during contact with LSL assets.
This first month of operation has resulted in enormous success in cutting down constant attacks, which has saved server resources while greatly enhancing security. The system can identify a rogue attacker within milliseconds and block the ongoing connections as well as any future communication automatically 24/7.
The key to the success of the system is the new LSL SIEM that's the core of the LSL MEGA Email Security System. It monitors, correlates, and provides the integrated firewall defenses with the information on what IP's or IP Ranges to block in real time. This integrated command and control, with a completely distributed LSL based architecture makes for a highly resilient, fast, and functional enterprise class email and security system for the 21st century.
Core system components - Linux, Kafka, Redis, PostgreSQL, GoLang, Python.